Subject Re: More on over-sweeping
Author johnsparrowuk
Thanks Ivan,

I used to know more about it that I do now... grin.

Three or four years ago I was doing a lot of work with IB6 beta and
IBX in Delphi. Since then I've moved on to working with SQL Server
(always missed snapshot isolation though!) and C#.

I've only come back to FB with the release of 1.5 and the .NET
provider. I'm very impressed with what I've seen.

Now people have made the point about Next trans - OIT being 20,000
for the auto-sweep interval, it all comes flooding back!

Thanks again,


--- In, "Ivan Prenosil"
<Ivan.Prenosil@s...> wrote:
> I have different advice - instead of listening chaotic advices,
study how multigeneration
> architecture (and garbage collection, sweep, etc.) works and make
your own opinion.
> (Some keywords you may want to search for in archives: sweep,
garbage collection,
> OIT, OAT, TIP, Ann Harrison, Jim Starkey, David Schnepper, Charlie
Caro, ...)
> Ivan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "JS.staff" <jsparrow@e...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 11:19 AM
> Subject: [firebird-support] More on over-sweeping
> > This is the sweeping advice I was given:
> >
> > =============
> >
> > "frequent sweeping will delay transaction start-up, as the time
> > the last sweep increases, the time for transaction startup will
> > increase.
> > this can all be avoided by more frequent back/restore and less
> > sweeping."
> >
> > ...
> >
> > "Only if you CAN'T do timely backup/restore operations AND your
> > application results in large numbers of rolled back transactions,
> > should do sweeps, but do not do them frequently."
> >
> > ...
> >
> > "You can reduce DB peformance significatnly by sweeping too
> > You are much better off doing a backup/restore cycle. If you do
> > that a seeep is unnecessary then don't do it. (certainly not every
> > night)
> > that's my understanding - it's not a matter of belt-and-braces,
it's a
> > retrograde step for overall performance"
> >
> > ===============
> >
> > Comments? ;)
> >
> > John