Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: slow backup (fb 1.5 classic on linux)
Author Alan McDonald
> I am just now learning Firebird and loaded a test data base with about
> 1.3 gig of data on latest Firebird 1.5 on a Windows XP machine with 3
> ghz processor and 1 gig of cpu memory.
> I first used an interactive utility but it was slow so I killed it and
> tried gbak after re booting.
> I used gbak from a command prompt to back up the data base from one
> disk drive to a second, afer 6 hours I killed the process. I checked
> frequently in the Windows explorer and saw that the backup file was
> slowly expanding - after g hrs it was around 50 meg.
> MS SQL Server backs up the same test database in about 5 minutes??
> Any ideas??
> Thanks,
> Gerry

XP - do you have system restore feature disabled? Do you have file name
extenstions of ".gdb"?
If so, disable restore, and use another extension e.g. fdb