Subject Re: Bug in group by
Author rberzi
It's my terminator in Winsql, can be ; or nothing.
--- In, "Martijn Tonies"
<m.tonies@u...> wrote:
> Hi
> Why do you use the "^" character?
> With regards,
> Martijn Tonies
> Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL
> Server.
> Upscene Productions
> > Firebird 1.5 latest build.
> > Tested on Windows Me or Windows 2000 pro
> > this update :
> > update contacts_guest cg set
> > cg.frequency = (select count(md.record_no)
> > from master_detail md
> > where md.contact_code = cg.contact_code and
> > md.reservation_type in (9, 16)) ^
> > will create this error :
> > VP_MINGUS (Client) Wed Mar 03 10:42:49 2004
> > C:\PROGRAM FILES\FIREBIRD\FIREBIRD_1_5\bin\fbserver.exe:
> > abnormally (3221225477)
> >
> > This select will create the same problem :
> > select md.contact_code, count(md.record_no)
> > from master_detail md
> > where md.reservation_type in (9, 16)
> > group by md.contact_code^