Subject Re: [firebird-support] Unions
Author Uwe Oeder
Thanks Helen

At 07:22 AM 3/2/2004, you wrote:
>At 06:48 AM 2/03/2004 +0200, you wrote:
> >I thought once a view was created it could not be changed when the program
> >is running.
> >
> >AS
> >FROM Accounts
> >WHERE AccountantName LIKE 'Andrew%' ;
> >
> >But in he course of the program execution AccountantName can change to
> >anything that the user cn think of. eg ("me", "max" , "tomas" ...) how do I
> >cater for that ?
>Well, that is not what you use views for.
>But you can have a view like
>create view aView (blah....
>select ....
>from ...
>join ..
>group by..
>then, from your application
>select whatever
>from a view
>order by blah...