Subject Re: GPRE/API Different with FB 1.5?
Author Eric Boyajian
--- In, "Dimitry Sibiryakov"
<SD@t...> wrote:
>> however, there seems to be a difference between FB 1.0 and 1.5
>> that is causing giving me a problem.
> Yes, FB 1.5 is more strict for SQL syntax.
>> PREPARE TRANSACTION gds_trans Q1 INTO sqlda FROM :string;
> Show us Q1.

Do you mean the local variable :string? This is:
select * from country

I'm using the employee.fdb as a test database.

I am running the FB 1.5 server on WinXP as a service, and I'm
developing using MSVC 6.0.

Let me mention that I use the following command to create the .cxx
file from the .exx source code file:
"C:\Program Files\Firebird\bin\gpre.exe" -e -m -sql_dialect 3 -user
SYSDBA -password masterkey full_no_echo.exx

> Make sure that you have firebird.msg from FB1.5 everywhere
> because it has been changed since FB1

My INTERBASE environment variable is "C:\Program Files\Firebird".
This is where I installed the system, and firebird.msg is in this

I also have a copy of firebird.msg in the working directory where my
program executes (C:\Program Files\Firebird\examples). Is there
another location that a copy of firebird.msg must exist?
