Subject Re: [firebird-support] Using FireBird with PHP
Author unordained
The relevant php functions can be found here; they work for firebird as well.

Some of the documentation is out of date or was never completed. When they say link_identifier,
they mean you can use either a connection identifier (as returned from ibase_connect) or a
transaction identifier (as returned from ibase_trans.) You can fetch rows either as arrays or as
objects of a run-time-defined class type. You might also look at ibase_pconnect for efficiency,
opening only one connection to the server and re-using it, and just starting/stopping transactions
on that given connection.


---------- Original Message -----------
From: "Svend Meyland Nicolaisen" <news@...>
> Hi
> Is it possible to use FireBird with PHP? If so, is there any resources on
> the Internet which explains how to get startet using PHP with FireBird on a
> Linux box?
> -
> Svend
------- End of Original Message -------