Subject RE: [firebird-support] Feature request : Generator tables
Author Alan McDonald
> What we did, is to have an internal PK value (by a generator),
> insert the new records and once everything was inserted (saved)
> to the database and the transaction was committed (as in: no
> faults), we then did:

I've wondered about this - if I have a table with a generated PK and
numerous other fields.
I can have literally hundreds of users, and insert operations going on
simultaneously and I will never get an error - on a pure INSERT statement
(never mind about other statements in the same transaction) Just keeping the
insert statemetn in it's own transactions I can't see how you would ever
have a "fault" (barring wrongly formatted data e.g. string truncations or
such) which should always be taken care of at the client before the INSERT
statement is issued.
Let's imagine for a simpler case, a table with one field PKID - which gets
it's value from the generator. It's all serialised past the generator so
there can't be any erros. Correct?