Subject RE: [firebird-support] Simultaneous IB and FB install with ODBC
Author Jarrod Hollingworth
> Apologies in excelsis --- I totally failed to notice that there was an
> installed and running IB server in the equation as well. So we
> are really looking at three different client libraries and two servers
> all on the same machine...and no obvious solution.

Ahh, now we're getting somewhere! :-)

> No further comment except to say - "wish I hadn't even tried to
> answer this one." :-| Though I hope that the latest Fb ODBC driver
> can help you past one of your hurdles by connecting through
> fbclient.dll in its default location (not system32).

It doesn't matter if it used the fbclient.dll in system32 as the correct FB
version of that DLL can be there but the ODBC driver needs to use
fbclient.dll directly instead of through whichever gds32.dll happens to be
there. Unfortunately it looks like the ODBC driver has been developed for
compatibility both with Firebird and Interbase which means using gds32.dll.
A solution would be a driver option (registry key) that says "use
fbclient.dll directly instead of gds32.dll".

OK, so there isn't a quick solution. I'll follow up with the ODBC driver

I guess I was a *little* annoyed at the terse comments in your original
response so I played it up with my jovial reply. I respect you Helen and
thank you for spending the time to re-read and admit mistake. I REALLY
wasn't trying to waste anyones time - I know how little of it many of us


Jarrod Hollingworth