Subject Re: [firebird-support] Restore problem on firebird 1.03
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:25 AM 18/02/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>A school I work with called me with the following problem. they
>could not add a grant for a particular user. they got a message
>about not finding column GRANT. I had them dump and reload the
>database and they got the following error on restoring. Their
>database runs on Linux. I got a copy of their database and did the
>same thing with the same error in WinXP. I validated the database no
>errors. Has anybody seen this before?


>Any Ideas?

It sounds like a parser bug in the service components or the utility being
used to set up privileges, e.g. possibly the *previous* line in the restore
script included a user named "GRANT" and that stuffed up the parsing during
the setup and/or the backup (GRANT being a keyword).

Where did you get your service components?

Can you attempt a command-line backup and restore (-c not -r) using gbak
and see whether the problem shows up again?

>gbak: restoring privilege for user LFERGUSON
>Unsuccessful execution caused by system error that does not preclude
>successful execution of subsequent statements.
>action cancelled by trigger (1) to preserve data integrity.
>could not find column for GRANT.
>Restore completed
>the rest of the restore is not completed.

Could you use a utility (e.g. the Metadata Extract tool in IB_SQL) to
extract a privileges script from the existing database, that you could
inspect yourself and show us if you can't locate the problem yourself?
