Subject Re: FB 1.5 RC8 not compatible anymore with IBX 7.08
Author Alexander V.Nevsky
--- In, "Piotr L" <vpiotr@p...>
> So I'm waiting for RC9...
> I understand that if IBX is not maintened by anyone I can't expect
> will be compatible with Firebird > 1.5
> But it would be nice if I could get finally no-known-bugs-Firebird
> 1.5-compatible-with-IBX and sleep well ;) Thats all.

Piotr, if you are not binded to IBX like me by about 4000 Delphi
units, I sincerely recommend to change it for FIBPlus or IBO. AFAIK it
still doesn't support even all old IB features, Select For Update for
example, forces developers to use the same transaction for all ...SQLs
of TIBDataSet (so hold long read-write transactions which assists in
garbage accumulation in database) and have nasty bug/workaround for
old IB gds32.dll bug in TIBStoredProc.ExecProc - in case of exception
during this call SP is called twice and in some circuimstances this
can corrupt your data. If you can't leave IBX, I can recommend only to
go my way - patch it youself as you need. Borland hides property
editors so we can't patch them if we need, but we can overlap them
entirely by own ones.

Best regards,