Subject Re: FB 1.5 RC8 not compatible anymore with IBX 7.08
Author Piotr L
>isc_get_client_version is now hardcoded to return once and for all and
>for the foreseeable decades and more a "compatibility" value of 6.3
>something. That was not yet the case when RC8 got out.

>But the truth is that in the future (I mean well after Firebird 1.5)
>compatibility with IBX might well definitely break. Firebird already has
>incompatibilities (ODS for instance) with latests InterBase version.
>Unless IBX itself specifically add Firebird support (which I doubt will
>ever be) one day or another you might find yourself not able to use
>Firebird (partially or completely) through IBX.

So I'm waiting for RC9...
I understand that if IBX is not maintened by anyone I can't expect it
will be compatible with Firebird > 1.5
But it would be nice if I could get finally no-known-bugs-Firebird
1.5-compatible-with-IBX and sleep well ;) Thats all.
