Subject RE: [firebird-support] Command line util to get only data from another .fdb [HANDY SCRIPT]
Author Nigel Weeks
> I couldn't find any in the Yahoo Groups except this, your
> response. I
> tried Google but it had a lot of links, not all I could really
> pinpoint. Any way if it is a PHP script, what will I need at
> the clients
> end when I want to update databases?

I'll post the source at the end of this.
Basically, it moves data from one database to another. It's not smart, so if
a record exists, it'll produce an error. It's intended primarily to populate
an empty database with the contents of another.

For the customer use, you would probably (after testing this upgrade with
your own systems), go to the customer's site with your upgraded (empty)
database, restore the empty one to the server, and pump the data from the
old one into the new one.

There are lots of gotchas and traps, so I don't claim this to be the perfect
solution, but it has certainly saved me a lot of work!

Here it is:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -e
// Connect to the source database
$src_db = ibase_connect("localhost:/u1/db/demo.fdb","sysdba","masterkey") or
$err = 1;
if($err == 1){
echo "Error:($err). Source Database connection failed\n";

/* ------------------------------------------------
Uncomment these if you want to transfer immediately
------------------------------------------------ */
$tfer = 1;
// Connect to the destination database
$dest_db =
ibase_connect("","sysdba","masterkey") or $err
= 2;
if($err == 2){
echo "Error:($err). Destination Database connection failed\n";

// Set the following variable to 1 to produce insert statements
$ins = 1;

// Set the field delimiter here
$delim = "'";

// Set the field seperator here
$sep = ",";

// Set the single-quote escaper here
$esc = "'";

// Set the date formats here (// %H:%M:%S // %Y-%m-%d // %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
ibase_timefmt("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",IBASE_TIMESTAMP);

// Set the begin comment here ($bcomm = "/*"; $bcomm = "--";)
$bcomm = "/*";

// Set the end comment here ($ecomm = "*/"; $ecomm = "";)
$ecomm = "*/";

/* ---------------------------------------
Configuration complete
If you're changing things below this line,
you probably shouldn't be...
--------------------------------------- */

$tsql = "SELECT distinct(a.rdb\$relation_name) as str_tablename from
rdb\$relation_fields a where a.rdb\$relation_name NOT CONTAINING 'RDB\$'";

$trec = ibase_query($src_db,$tsql) or die("Bad Table Query");
while($tobj = ibase_fetch_row($trec)){
//We have a table name. Let's pull the data
if($bcomm){echo "$bcomm --- ".trim($tobj[0])." --- $ecomm\n";}
$dsql = "SELECT * FROM ".trim($tobj[0]);
$drec = ibase_query($src_db,$dsql) or die("Bad Data Query");

// Echo out the field names
//echo $comm." (";
$col = 0;
$cols = ibase_num_fields($drec);
$info[$f] = ibase_field_info($drec,$f);
// Quotes management - some types need quotes
if($info[$f]['type'] == "VARYING"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "VARCHAR"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "TIMESTAMP"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "DATE"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "TIME"
$q[$f] = $delim;
} else {
$q[$f] = "";

// Null management - some fields can't handle empties...
if($info[$f]['type'] == "VARYING"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "VARCHAR"
// Leave the empty value - it's ok
$n[$f] = 0;
} else {
// replace the empty value with a "null"
$n[$f] = 1;

// ISO format management - convert dates to a suitable format
if($info[$f]['type'] == "DATE"
$iso_d[$f] = 1;
} else {
$iso_d[$f] = 0;
//echo ") \n";

// Echo out the data
while($dobj = ibase_fetch_row($drec)){
// Output the row(if $ins is turned on, output insert statements)
$col = 0;
while($col < $cols){
if($dobj[$col] == "" && $n[$col]){
echo "null";
} else {
echo $q[$col].$dobj[$col].$q[$col];
if($col + 1 < $cols){
echo $sep;
} else {
echo "\n";
} else {
$out = "INSERT INTO ".trim($tobj[0])." (";
for($col=0;$col < $cols;$col++){
$out .= $info[$col]['name'];

if($col + 1 < $cols){
$out .= $sep;
$out .= ") VALUES (";
for($col=0;$col < $cols;$col++){
if($dobj[$col] == "" && $n[$col]){
$out .= "null";
} else {
$prep = str_replace("'",$esc."'",$dobj[$col]);
$out .= $q[$col].$prep.$q[$col];
if($col + 1 < $cols){
$out .= $sep;
$out .= ");\n";
ibase_query($dest_db,$out) or $err = 3;
if($err == "3"){
$dberr = ibase_errmsg();
echo "Error:(".$err."), \nDB Error Description: '".$dberrtext."'.
Destination Database insert failed\n";
} else {
echo $out;

---End listing---