Subject RE: [firebird-support] Table is in use
Author Chad Z. Hower
:: You must have an exclusive connection to a database to add

How do I obtain an exclusive connection?

:: or change foreign keys. Additionally, if you're using a
:: tool that has the table open (even if you are the only one
:: connected) then it's in use.

When I try and make this change - Im the only one connected. The DB however
says it has like 45 other connections - but no apps are open that are still
using FB. Left over connection pool connetions or something? Is there anyway
to determine who/what it is? Right now I have to just reset the server....

:: >I thought so - but in this last case the table (Country) it
:: said was in
:: >use, is NEVER written to. Its static data that is only read from.
:: It doesn't have to be written to, to be in use. If it's
:: open, it's in a transaction and, if it's in a transaction,
:: it's in use.

Where would these transactinos be if no apps are connected to the db at the
time? Could there be abandoned but open txs somehow?