Subject Re: select in (subquery)
Author tymorrisy
> >What would be the advantage of using a plan as opposed to subselects?
> No answer to the question, since it's not a valid question. Plans are
> prepared for all SELECT statements, including those embedded as
> >I personally use subselects, but some people here use plans and they
> >are having a problem now with win 2003 server and firebird.
> Ummmm, this is a non-sequitur. All Selects use plans. It's the job
of the
> optimizer to construct the best plan, given the indexes it has
> available. You can see the optimizer's plan after the statement is
> It's also possible to give the optimizer your own plan, as a PLAN
clause in
> the query statement itself (immediately preceding the ORDER BY
clause, if
> there is one, otherwise as the last clause in the statement). The
> way to do this is to take the optimizer's plan as a starting point and
> modify it the way you think it ought to be. The optimizer still
uses its
> own plan for some internal calculations, but it won't try to override a
> user-supplied plan.
> In general, the optimizer knows what it's doing and returns the best
> for the statement you give it. If you get a plan that you think is
> it can mean one of two things: either the statement itself is not
> or you have duplicate indexes in there. The optimizer is known to
avoid an
> index altogether when it encounters dup indexes - hence, since Firebird
> creates its own mandatory indexes for keys (PK and FK) without
regard any
> existing indexes, it's not unusual to have optimizer problems on
> schemas that were imported from another RDBMS.
> ./heLen

The reason I am asking is I am having a problem with a Win 2k3 server
and firebird 1.5.1.

I can see all my tables and indexs. I can copy the db to a win 2k
server and it runs fine. But on win 2k3 running this command will
cause firebird to restart its service:

select count(*) from capture where trandate > '12/01/2004' and
trandate < '12/12/2004' plan (capture index(cdateindx))

If I run this command it works fine:

select count(*) from capture where trandate > '12/01/2004' and
trandate < '12/12/2004'

By the way,
Thanks for the help. I am starting your book