Subject RE: [firebird-support] [RE: firebird-support] average cost price - using SP's
Author Maya McLeod
Hi Peter,

>>> I have a lot to learn about FB
>>> Do yourself a favour and get Helen's book (The Firebird Book) if you
>> haven't already. It will save you many hours of your time, not to
>>> mention headaches.

>Concidentally I just contacted a local bookstore about that very book.

You can order it from the web site:

Then a portion of the payment goes to Firebird as well ;-)
They are quite quick to deliver as well.

>>> I would be interested to know what Delphi components you decided to use
>>> for accessing FB.

>>Initially I will use Delphi's IBX components. This will get me started and
>>mor familiar with FB.
I went that route, and ran into bugs when it was too late to change (OK, I'm going to have to change at some stage, but it's going to be painful)

>>I have seen an d/l IBObjects. After an initial
>>surprise at the number of components and wondering where to begin, I did
>>try it out. IBOjects AFAICS will be the way to go - but I prefer to be a
>>little more familiar with FB before I commit to IBO.
IBObjects scared us away when we first looked at them, because we did not notice that there were TWO component sets.
One native (that can only use their components - which we did not want - even though they are apparently the fastest around)
And another more like the IBX ones, that could be hooked up to a TDataSource.
Apparently FIBPlus forked off from IBX - back when it worked still ;-)
So that should be more familiar to us IBX users...
I've still got to decide which one to use FIBPlus or IBObjects...
