Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: FB Embedded: How does it know if it should be a server?
Author Helen Borrie
At 01:26 PM 17/11/2004 +0100, you wrote:

>No, it supports almost anything but IPServer, which is overridden by
>the embedded connection.

Nando, if my application connects via the fbembed.dll, I must use the
IPServer connect string.

If I try to connect to localhost via this client, I (correctly) get an

What I can do on my network, is I can connect through the fbembed.dll
client to a Firebird (full) server running on the local machine, by way of
the machine's host name or its network IP address, or another host name
that points to this IP address. But this is *not* a TCP/IP local
connection, it is a remote connection. If I point a hostname - be it
localhost or sardines - at, I will get an exception.

But it is pointless recommending this to someone whose machine is
stand-alone. The fbembed.dll library can ONLY connect through
IPServer. The network card has to be broadcasting its IP address in order
for it to be recognised.

>It's amazing the quantity of mailing list traffic fbembed has
>generated so far mostly because of a combination of imprecise
>documentation and incomplete understanding of the architecture in
>Would you like me to amend the documentation as I see fit or would
>that be a useless effort anyway?

Anyone can amend the documentation if they think they can improve it -
including your worthy self. :-))
