Subject Re: [firebird-support] table is in use error
Author Uwe Grauer
Stephen Boyd wrote:

> I have a script that I use to upgrade a database to a new release
> level. Although in this instance I am using it to create a brand new
> database. In that script I have the following:
> drop table table1;
> commit;
> create table table1 (
> somefield integer;
> );
> commit;
> This gives me a 'table is in use error'. Since I am creating a new
> database and am the only person logged in to the database the table
> clearly cannot be in use. I put in the commit after the drop table
> command to make sure that the current transaction was closed so that
> the table wouldn't 'open' under an old transaction. So what can be
> causing the problem?
> I am using using isql under Firebird 1.0.3 to run the script.

you could try:
drop tabel, commit, drop connection, open connection, create table

Should work,