Subject AW: [firebird-support] embedded server multiple connection
Author Steffen Heil

> The client must have exclusive access to the database file.
> The embedded server acts as a true local server for a single
> client accessing databases on a local machine. "

> From this I interpreted that in embeded server only one single connection
(exclusive) to the database will be provided.


The embedded server (which acts as a full blown local (super)server) will
need exclusive access to the database file, as any type of database server
always does. However, since that type of server is embedded into your client
software, that client software needs exclusive access to the database file.

In fact that means, that NO OTHER process / client software can connect to
that database. But, as the embedded server is a full blown server, you can
have multiple connections inside your single client software, with the usual
restrictions about connection/thread issus.


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