Subject Re: [firebird-support] How to connect over network?
Author Markus Ostenried
At 18:28 Friday, 12.11.2004 +0000, yaedos2000 wrote:
>I'm trying to connect to a database running Firebird 1.5 as an
>application on a remote computer, running Windows 98 SE.
>My client machine is running Windows 2000.
>Do you have to shut down the Firebird server running on Windows 2000?
>Pinging the machine shows that the connection exists. I've tried
>connecting to the database with IB Expert, giving the IP address of
>the remote computer.
>When I try to connect I get the following error:
>"Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
>successful execution of subsequent statements. I/O error for
>file 'g:\totalbook\totalbook.fdb'. Error while trying to open file.
>The device is not ready."
>Drive G is networked.

In the connection string you have to specify the path to the database as
seen from the server. E.g. if you mount the server's drive C: to your local
network drive G: then you have to write in your connection string
'c:\totalbook\totalbook.fdb'. The database path will be sent to the server
to tell it where to find the database. The server doesn't know about your
local network drives. With Firebird you don't need a network drive, the
clients never nead any access to the database file because all
communication is done via TCP.
The message "The device is not ready" maybe occurs because the server tries
to access its CD-ROM drive.
