Subject Hierarchical tree
Author "Sebasti�o Carlos Santos"
I have the data in accordance with the structure listed below in a table

SQL> select
CON> id_sys_plataforma,
CON> id_sys_plataforma_pai,
CON> nome_plataforma
CON> from
CON> sys_plataforma
CON> order by
CON> id_sys_plataforma;

================= ===================== ================================

1 1 Microsoft Windows
2 1 Microsoft Windows 9x
3 2 Microsoft Windows 95
4 2 Microsoft Windows 98
5 3 Microsoft Windows 95 SE
6 6 Linux

I need to mount the structure, in accordance with the example

- Microsoft Windows
----- Microsoft Windows 9x
--------- Microsoft Windows 95
------------- Microsoft Windows 95 SE
--------- Microsoft Windows 98
- Linux

I anticipate gratefulness for the aid

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