Subject Re: to run firebird in linux current user login
Author kartinku
I think you don't have got my query. I need to bundle firebird DB
along with my application say Payroll application. I will package this
application (as a tar.gz) with firebird DB. When user (in current user
login) extracts the tar firebird DB also should get extracted with
And when the application is started in current user login , my
application will check whether firebird DB is running in the m/c . If
not it will start firebird by calling ./fbserver.

But currently ./fbserver can be started by user with login name of
firebird or root user. It is not possible for current user. Since my
application can be started my anyuser , I need to start fbserver in
any login.

I don't prefer to install firebird as a service. Since my
application is an tar and I don't like to install firebird as an
service. I like to install firebird as an apllication only.


--- In, Albert <looks@s...> wrote:
> karthick srini wrote:
> > firebird-devel@l...
> >
> >
> > Dear Team ,
> > In firebird Linux distribution to run firebird
> > server user login needs to be firebird or root. Even
> > when I change permission of firebird installation
> > (/opt/firebird, /usr/lib/<fb.libs>,
> > /usr/include/<firebird.header> files) to Read write
> > Executeion permission to all users , I was uanble to
> > tart with my current user login. I get below error
> > message ,
> > fbserver: Invalid user (must be firebird, interbase,
> > interbas or root.
> >
> > Is it not possible to start firebird in current user
> > login. Because we have planned to bundle firebird
> > along with our application. In that case firebird need
> > to run with current user login. Please do help
> > regarding this issue,
> >
> > Thanks & regards,
> > S.Karthick
> You should configure Firebird server to run via it's start/stop script
> so that it will be started automatically only once during machine
> Albert