Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird / Delphi Type
> Yes, but you can use ParamByName('youparam').AsFloat
> It'll run fine.

>>I've a field of type NUMERIC(18,0)
>>Which Delphi type can contain this value, without creating someday an
>>overflow (if it ever happens)? Can an Int64 be used? Should I convert
>>it to a string?
>>Does the function Params.ParamValues['myField'] returns a correct value?

I made it's BCB function for it;)
Delphi code is similar;))



__int64 GetAsInt64 (TField * pField)
TLargeintField * pLargeintField = dynamic_cast<TLargeintField *>(pField);

if (pLargeintField)
return pLargeintField->Value;
throw Exception("ERROR! A GetAsInt64() parameter is not type
TLargeintField !");