Subject Re: [firebird-support] ISQL
Author Martijn Tonies
Hi Florian,

> > Purism, smurism :-)
> >
> > Even IBPhoenix uses Database Workbench these days after years
> > of using "ISQL"... :-)
> Martijn,
> didn't want to step on anybodys toes, especially not on yours.
> I am sure DB Workbench is at least as good as the mentioned IBExpert, it's
only that the latter was
> already part of the discussion.

You didn't step on my toes, don't worry.

I'm just writing that even the people who have used InterBase
and/or Firebird since its first beginning use GUI tools these days...

Database Workbench and others included, of course.

In my opinion, ISQL is a good script runner and a tool that's
always available when installing Firebird at a customer location,
but for your own development: well, use the tools that do the
job and don't make things harder on yourself than they already


With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions