Subject Re: [firebird-support] Slow database
Author Aage Johansen
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 05:25:34 +0000 (UTC), Riho-Rene Ellermaa wrote:

> I'm creating new database with IBO scripts. I use FB 1.03, Win2000, file
> extension is FDB.
> Connection TCP_IP, localhost.
> First I create database and then run script that creates tables and fills
> them with data.
> Tables are quite simple (4-5 fields, with integer primary index). Total
> inserted rows is 1800.
> In my computer the script runs in 30 sec. In customers site computer it's
> 4 min. Log shows that database filling takes approx 3 min.
> I let him change from TCP_IP to local connection, but that didn't help.
> He has P4 computer that should be fast enough.

What is the database version and OS version (etc.) at you client's
site? Is he running XP? What is the speed of the disks? Really, 1800
records shouldn't take 4 minutes.
Note that a P4 should not be faster than a PIII (at the same clock speed)
for this kind of work.
Are the databases/table really identical (Indexes, ForcedWrite, ...)?

Aage J.