Subject Re: [firebird-support] mapped port 3050 ,client connection, middleware
Author Martijn Tonies

> Testing enviroment:
> -----------------
> localhost
> I checked WINNT\.....\etc\services. It seems normal.
> FB is lessoning port 4050.
> No middleware program is working.
> -----------------
> Problem:
> ---------------
> When the client wants to connect to FB, the client connect directly
> to port 4050. But it should try to connect to 3050. (Middlware
> program have no input. Because client has been connected to 4050)

My guess is that the client connects to 4050 because there's
an entry in your "services" file saying:

gds_db 4050

(or perhaps fb_db, I don't know)

You can specify a port when connecting to simulate the normal
behaviour, or change the services file back to "3050" and modify
server startup to listen on 4050.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird & MS SQL Server.
Upscene Productions