Subject Re: [firebird-support] Using UDFs
Author Helen Borrie
At 12:27 AM 26/09/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>I am using Firebird 1.5 RC3 under win 2000 Environment. My server is
>a win32 classic.
>I have executed the UDF scripts available in the examples folder.
>Using IBADMIN, one of the GUIs for firebird/interbase I can see the
>functions defined in the database.
>But the problem is that I still cannot use them in my select
>statements or whereevers.
>They give me an error like: "Module name or Entry point not found"

It means the server can't find the udf libraries. You should have them in
the /UDF directory beneath the Firebird root directory.

You should **stop** requesting support for old field-tests. Get the latest
RC6 and read the installation notes and draft release notes.
