Subject Re: How to avoid database to be corrupted?
Author Chooi-Ting
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...>
> At 08:31 AM 17/09/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >--- In, Helen Borrie
> >wrote:
> > > At 06:22 AM 17/09/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> > >
> > > >This firebird server is running in sun sparc. Firebird version
> >S0-
> > > >V1.0.0.796 Firebird 1.0.
> > > >How do I check on forced-writes ?
> > >
> > > Use the -h[eader] switch of gstat and read the report for
> >Attributes (near
> > > the bottom of the output).
> > >
> > > gstat -header c:\databases\MyDB.gdb
> > >
> > > heLen
> >
> >There is nothing appear under attributes. is there any default
value ?
> If nothing shows under Attributes then forced writes is either 1)
off or 2)
> not supported on your platform. The other name for "forced writes
off" is
> "asynchronous writes".
> So, the two things to do are
> 1) find out whether your platform supports asynchronous writes
> 2) if yes, then use gfix to enforce *synchronous* writes (= forced
writes on)
> gfix -w sync c:\databases\MyDB.gdb
> --- if no, then something else caused your corruption, e.g. someone
> doing a filesystem copy on the file while the database was in use,
> logged in to the database during a restore and tried to update
something or
> create something...or something else hitherto unknown. <g> I do
> raising it with Neil McCalden in firebird-devel, and see whether he
> shed some light.
> heLen


Thanks for your advise. After I turn on force write, the database did
not corrupt after power off.

rgds, chooi ting