Subject Re: [firebird-support] Migrating from IB 6 open to FireBird,
Author Aage Johansen
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 15:19:17 +0000 (UTC), jonesffmx wrote:

> We had an application working with IB6-Open,
> Delphi 6+IBX, and 5 units of DataModules (full).
> Now we want to migrate to FB. Our questions are:
> What kind of conversion we need to do on the GDB?
> Is IBX compatible with FB now? Or we need to convert to dbExpress?
> Any other suggestions?

I'd suggest migrating to IBO (or FIBplus). Someone is working on making a
Fb-compatible version of IBX, though.

As for the conversion itself I don't think there would be any
problems. There are of course differences that you must be aware of, e.g.
Fb is not particularily happy about 'ambiguous' queries so you may (or not)
have to tidy up some SQL.

Aage J.