Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird crashing
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:46 AM 4/09/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Thank you Helen,
>I am running locally under Windows XP. For connection I am using
>IBObjects 4.2. My application is using Delphi 5. The version of
>gds32.dll was different to the fbserver.exe:
>fbclient.dll file version: WI-T1.5.0.3233
>gds32.dll file version: WI-V6.0.1.6
>fbserver.exe file version: WI.T1.5.0.3233
>so I saved gds32.dll with another name and renamed fbclient.dll to
>gds32.dll. I recompiled the application, but I am still having the
>same problem.

OK, this looks like an IBO problem and could be related to the
firebird.conf parameter OldParameterOrdering. Stop the server, set this
parameter to True, uncomment it, restart the server and check again.

The need for this is that Fb 1.5 fixed a very old bug with the ordering of
parameters. IBO encapsulates a permanent workaround for the bug and
doesn't yet internally support the bug-fix.

I still don't know if this is the answer but you should do it anyway, for
all your IBO apps with Firebird. It would be good precaution to recompile
the app before retesting, of course.

I'm concerned that the GPF is being thrown on a function call from
fbclient.dll to fbserver.exe and we are looking for a needle in a
haystack. I haven't had your problem at all so far with my IBO apps, even
those I haven't recompiled. But I am recompiling the IBO libraries fairly
constantly and I'm interested to know whether this is going to be a
necessity with Delphi libs in general...

If it turns out to be a problem in the library calls from the IBO
interface, there is actually a better way to do this in IBO. It's off
topic here, you will need to raise it in the IBO list.
