Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: upgrading to RC1.5
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> > It has to be the Firebird *root* and not the bin directory.
> >
> well I think I am making progress, but not sure.
> this time I installed it in C:\Program Files\FirebirdSQL
> when I changed directories to C:\Program Files\FirebirdSQL\bin
> from there i ran instreg install "C:\Program Files\FirebirdSQL"
> then I ran instsvc install "C:\Program Files\FirebirdSQL" -auto -
> superserver - guardian ( I think that was the order of the switches
> and the only ones )
> the fbclient.dll and gds32.dll still were not copied to my
> OS\System32 so i put them there.

Looks good to me.

> I am using WinXP
> when I start the services cpl in control panel, I see Firebird
> Guardian and Firebird Server listed the path for both are correct,
> they have a -s switch following the exe name, Guardian Startup type
> is Automatic, Fbserver is manual. neither one have started and
> neither one will start. When I attempt a start on fbServer it says
> Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control
> request in a timely fashion.
> When I attempt to start Guardian,it says Error 1067: The process
> terminated unexpectedly.
> The account I am logged in on the XP does have admin privileges, but
> is not the ADMin account. Should I be logged in as Administrator

Have you tried starting the service *not* with the Firebird
Control Panel, but instead using the OS built-in services

If that doesn't work, then you'd best starting from scratch, and
follow the notes in InstallNotes.txt in the \doc subdirectory.

Thomas Steinmaurer

The IB LogManager Product Family
Logging/Auditing Suite for InterBase/Firebird