Subject Re: [firebird-support] Design issue
Author Olivier Mascia
Hello Juan,

Monday, August 18, 2003, 8:05:38 PM, you wrote:

JPLS> - Some tables, commons to every client, exist just once.

JPLS> - Some other tables exist in a per client basis. Every new client has
JPLS> his "private" tables. These tables are selected by the name. They all
JPLS> share the same name but a little suffix which identifies everyone from
JPLS> the others (ie: there is a GROUPS_0 table for a client and a GROUPS_1
JPLS> for another client).

And I guess the structure of each of those GROUPS_0, GROUPS_1, ...
tables is identical ?

Well, so having them all in a single table looks a bit more appealing
isn't it ? What will you do if you have two thousands clients and need
3 tables per client ? Have a DB with six thousands tables ? I think
this idea goes against any common usage in the db world.

Best regards,
Olivier Mascia

On devrait bâtir les villes à la campagne, l'air y est plus pur.
(Henri Monnier)