Subject Re: [firebird-support] FB embedded & Delphi ?
Author Yves Glodt
On Monday 11 August 2003 21:22, Milan Babuskov wrote:
> Yves Glodt wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is it possible to use fbembed.dll with native Delphi 5, without any
> > bde? By native I mean without any 3rd party tools like ibobjects or
> > so.
> Well, what components would you use then?
> Or, you want to access database without components?

I remember there were TIB* components, like TIBDatabase, TIBQuery etc.
Do they also need the bde ?
(it's a long time I've not touched delphi anymore...)

> Only "native" use I know of is writing in firebird API (which is in
> C)...

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