Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: FireBird CS locking on FreeBSD?
Author Geoffrey M. Ongley by way of Geoffrey M

After you advising me that there was in fact no CS for win32, and that the
API was identical, and also after reading differences between CS and SS
(specifically to do with file locking), I decided to try the application and
database combination using firebird SS.

Worked a charm, no more locking issue.

I thank you very much for your help in regards to this, you gave me the
understanding and background I needed to solve this problemo.

Much appreciated!


On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 12:11 am, Helen Borrie wrote:
> At 09:25 AM 26/07/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >but I wonder if your current problems have anything to do
> >
> > > with having the wrong client library. Have you checked that?
> >
> >Well, being that the "real" client for this thing is actually the
> > software written by this company (which is how I noticed the problem, I
> > only verified it using the isql client), no I haven't sepcifically
> > checked that. I will opt for the native binary of 1.0.2 and let you know
> > how I go.
> Now you've got me baffled. How does the client application connect to the
> database if it doesn't use the client library?
> > Oh I don't expect CS to behave the same as superserver at all, I used CS
> > on Win 32 ( and CS on *nix when comparing.
> I think not. There isn't a 1.0.x Classic Server for Windows. You could
> not possibly have done a local connect to a Classic server on Windows.
> >My understanding, though new to firebird is that CS is very different to
> > SS
> There are certainly architectural differences, but the API is
> identical. My point was that, just because a local connection works a
> certain way on Windows but not on Linux, don't think there is something
> wrong with the Linux implementation. Local connect on Windoze is a
> platform-specific "fudge" that has the client and the server working in
> the same interprocess communication space. It's designed for one and only
> one connection. If you write applications that depend on multiple
> Windoze-local connections (which I know you're not going to) then expect
> major problems. This is client/server software that uses its own network
> layer to support multiple connections.
> heLen
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