Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird 1.03 and PIV 3Ghz
Author Patrick Pellizzari
>> Result of the tests:
>> On a request which take 2,8S on the PIV 3Ghz :
>> On a PIV 2.5 Ghz
>> 1 user = 3,079s
>> 3 users = 5,578s 5,172s 5,953s
>> On a PIV 3.0Gh without modifying the IB config
>> 1 user = 2,813s
>> 3 users = 3,313s 3,609s 5,062s
>> On a PIV 3.0Gh with CPU_AFFINITY 3
>> 1 user = 2,859s
>> 3 users = 3,187s 5,359s 5,703s

>You realize that CPU_AFFINITY 3 maps to: Physical CPU 1/Logical CPU 1
>and Physical CPU 1/Logical CPU 2.
heuuuu.... Yes... Just what I need, isn't it ?

>I would suggest that a better choice might be CPU_AFFINITY 5 --
>Physical CPU 1 Logical CPU 1/Physical CPU 2 Logical CPU 1.
Heuuuuuuu... no.... there is only 1 physical CPU in a PIV 3Ghz
I believe only Xeon can be 2, 4, 8, 16 proc... no ?

>Finally, you realize that (even according to Intel) Hyper-Threading only
>provides a 30% increase in performance.
Finally I realize that Hyper-Threading only decrease performance.....

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