Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird Server Memory is Increasing
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:29 AM 28/07/2003 +0000, Chooi-Ting wrote:
> > > > At 11:18 AM 16/07/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> > > > >How to resolve firebird server memory ? it is increasing and
>never drop, though the increase number of not much, eg. from 23040
>to 23496 in few hours time.

I wrote

> > > > Please explain what you think is a problem. What
>needs "resolving"?

You wrote

>I am worry because some of my client complain that the firebird
>server is hanging and the update/insert process that a longer time.
>I am afraid if the memory keep increasing, what will happen to the
>firebird server.
> > >
> > >Server Version : firebird 1.0
> Solaris.
it is superserver.

> > >platform : Sun Solaris 2.8
> > ># of client attached: <10
> > >Action: insert/update/delete
> > >size of database cache : is it same as allocated db pages? if yes,
> > >is 37980
> >
> > Where did you get this figure of 37980?

>the buffer is 2048
> > >database page_size : 8192
> > >
> > >RAM reading now is 23928 (the reading that i captured yesterday is
> > >23496).
> >
> > Where are you reading it from? What is it? and why are these
>figures a
> > problem?
>the reading is from sun solaris process manager, where you can
>monitor the CPU usage, RAM, SWAP of the ibserver process.
> > >it is a problem if the memory keep increasing as I am afraid one
> > >it will use all memory in the machine, that will cause the entire
> > >system hang. Unexpected server down is unacceptable to our client.
> >
> > If you have Forced Writes off, then at times you will have some OS
> > holding the commits that are waiting to be flushed...without more
> > information, who knows?
> >

So, weeding through the accumulating pile of words here, we still have no
details about what you're doing on the server or what your numbers really mean.

Sorry, but I give up. Hopefully someone else can make sense out of it and
establish what (if any) problem exists. I can't.
