Subject Re: [firebird-support] Changes Not reflecting after Insert.
Author Mahesh Ishwar
Thanx for the information Helen & Paul.


Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
At 12:35 PM 21/07/2003 +0100, you wrote:

>Hello All,
>I'm worknig with ISQL Version: WI-T1.5.0.3481 Firebird 1.5 Release
>Candidate 3.
>I've .NET application for which I'm using Firebird .NET provider. In my
>code I'm have an Insert statement, which succesfully executes. But if I've
>a session of Firebird already open, the changes of insert are not
>reflected when I do a select for that inserted record. If I exit from my
>session, and try a'ain, I'm able to get the data.

Of course you don't exit a session to get a fresh view of data! Just
commit the translation that has the select and requery it (close and open
the dataset).

>But for a realtime application this doesn't makes sense to exit session
>a'ain & a'ain. This is happening even when I commit from my code.

Transaction A (your transaction) commits the work but other transactions
won't see it in their own transaction context unless they have Read
Committed isolation. If you are using snapshot ("concurrency") isolation,
the other transactions just continue to see what they saw when their
transaction started.

Even when the other transactions commit, they still need to get a refreshed
view of the rows brought over to the server.


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