Subject Re: [firebird-support] Changes Not reflecting after Insert.
Author Paul Beach
<<I'm worknig with ISQL Version: WI-T1.5.0.3481 Firebird 1.5 Release Candidate
I've .NET application for which I'm using Firebird .NET provider. In my code I'm
have an Insert statement, which succesfully executes. But if I've a session of
Firebird already open, the changes of insert are not reflected when I do a
select for that inserted record. If I exit from my session, and try a'ain, I'm
able to get the data.
But for a realtime application this doesn't makes sense to exit session a'ain &
a'ain. This is happening even when I commit from my code. Has anyone come across
this sort of problem, 'n if yes is there any solution?>>

Both transactions are running in default snapshot mode. If you commit a, then a
can see a's changes but b can't, b can only see the changes, if b commits and
re-queries the data.
