Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Returning values from stored procedure
Author Mahesh Ishwar
Thanx for ur prompt response Alexander. In .NET, there are no issues in collecting data from cursors. It does it in Datasets. What is really bugging me is that apart from the cursor(which I'm handling thru Suspend, & it is working fine also) I wanted some other singleton values from my stored procedure. Otherwise I will have to change my code to call 2 stored procedures : one of the cursor, & another for other singleton values.
Hope now it is clear.
Anyway, just of curiosity, can we write DECLARE CURSOR syntax in our stored procedures like in Oracle & MS SQL Server?
Thanx once a'ain.

"Alexander V.Nevsky" <ded@...> wrote:
--- In, Mahesh Ishwar
<meghanshic@y...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've a stored procedure in Oracle which takes in an integer as i/p
and returns back a cursor and 2 strings.
> I want to migrate the database to firebird, but I' m not getting how
can I return a cursor from stored procedure. Even if I use 'Suspend',
I would not be able to get the 2 string values along with that.
> My client applictaion is in .NET & I don't want to change it.
> Can anyone help me out in that.

Meghansh, I can say nothing about .NET but usage of Suspend in
procedure is common way in FB to get cursor from it by statement like
Select * From MySP. If you are trying to Execute MySP you'll get first
row only in output parameters. I do'nt know how force fetches in .NET
components/technology, but when you Select from SP it's ready to give
you all rows and waits to fetch commands.

Best regards, Alexander.

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