Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: POST_EVENT and it params
Author Martijn Tonies

Comments much appreciated of course... but :)

> > POST_EVENT 'account.added.' || new.accid;
> >
> > And listening for:
> >
> > account.added.*
> >
> > Etc...
> Martijn, Helen, imagine now you inserted 1 000 000 records in one

--8<-- snipped explanation of why this would bad (which is true)

> have ho decision how to give more freedom for applications developer
> without risk to kill server and net.

I can easily cripple the server without sending 1 000 000 events - the
question is: SHOULD I? ... Obvious answer: No. But I do have the
freedom to do it :-)

Meaning: of course this feature should be used in a responsible manner.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - the developer tool for InterBase & Firebird
Upscene Productions