Subject Re: [firebird-support] POST_EVENT and it params
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:41 AM 2/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> > So you have these alternatives:
> >
> > POST_EVENT 'AccountAdded' ;
> >
> > or
> >
> > (Note: double quotes used only if you defined "AccID" in the database
> > using double quotes)
> >
> > or
> > declare variable StringVar varchar(40);
> > ...
> > StringVar = 'New account added: ' || cast (new."AccID" as char(10)) ;
> > POST_EVENT StringVar;
>How do you register for such an event?
>(also for the NEW.ACCID event?)

I have NO idea - but it would be useful to find out. Because I implement
events with an event alerter (TIB_Events), I always use the event_name
method and my own handlers. TIB_Events assumes you know the name of the
event you are listening for.

I don't know what the IBX event-thingie (TIBEvents) does, though. Even the
IB 7 docs don't have anything about using the alternatives.
