Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: "-901 error" "HELP PLEASE"
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:35 AM 23/06/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> > What platform is the server running on?
> > What version of the server is running?
> > What is the client platform?
> > What version of the client library?
> > What tool are you using to try to connect?
> >
> > Have you test the client/host connection with Ping?
> >
> > heLen
>I am on windows 98 (server and client)
>Firebird WI-V6.2.972 1.0.3 (server and client)
>I am using IBeasy+ to connect.

I don't know it. What is it?

>Isn't firebird also the client library or need I something else ?

If you ran the installer, it should have installed the client library in
the Windows directory of your server machine. Its name is
gds32.dll. Check that its version number matches that of the server
program (ibserver.exe in your ..\Firebird\bin directory). If so, copy this
gds32.dll to the Windows directory on the client machine.

Whatever this IBeasy+ is, go to its install directory and, if you find a
copy of gds32.dll there, try to rename it. If it won't allow that, then
you will need to reboot the machine and, without starting IBeasy+, again go
and try to rename its copy of gds32.dll.

If you don't find gds32.dll somewhere around the IBeasy+ installation, then
search the machine until you find *any* copy of gds32.dll other than the
one you copied from the host installation.

And you should still use ping to verify that your client machine can see
the server machine.
