Subject Re: Data updates in multi-user
Author oriongully
Thanks woody, that was the problem. Took me a few minutes to work out
where the setting was, but now it works fine. Thanks, and thanks to
everyone for their suggestions.


--- In, "Woody \(TMW\)" <woody.tmw@i.
..> wrote:
> > I have a small problem where i have two machines (one windows
> 98se[firebird
> > server] and windows 2000 sp3 [firebird client], this is just the
> that
> > i have for testing). Basically my program is one both machines
running at
> > the same time, now when i change data on one machine, the changes
made do
> > not appear on the other machine until i exit out of my program and
> > it again.
> >
> > my database connection string is "LAPTOP:D:\Dev\Test\Test.gdb" now
> > thought that by doing this any changes made on one machine will be
able to
> > be seen on another machine.
> >
> > can some one tell me what i may have done wrong or point me in a
> > that will help me.
> >
> > my program is using the interbase components that come with delphi
> > professional.
> Set your transaction components to read-committed. They default to
> mode which means you won't see changes made by other users until you
> the transaction and restart it. Using read-committed transactions
you can
> just re-query the database to see the changes. See the IB/FB
> to understand the differences between transaction modes.
> Woody (TMW)
> Freeware Page:
> "Start every day off with a smile and get it over with."
> -- W. C. Fields