Subject Re: [ib-support] What's the best file system for FB on linux
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:17 PM 6/06/2003 +0800, you wrote:

>What is the rule of thumb for page size ? Is 4K the magic number ?

No, there is no magic number (other than " >4K"). Calculate the economic
page size on a per-database basis - work out a capacity "x", 80% of which
will accommodate comfortably ONE or a clean multiple of rows in your most
dynamic table - the one that gets the most inserts. In any sort of
accounting system, this is likely to be a transaction-record table of some
sort. You don't need to include the size of blobs in your calculation, as
these are stored on separate pages - allow 4 bytes for each blob_id.

Since the pages belonging to any particular table are not stored in
contiguous blocks of disk, your aim is to keep the number of page-accesses
to a minimum.
