Subject Re: [ib-support] What's the best Linux to install Firebird
Author Tiberiu Atudorei
> Hello,
> I've used Firebird in Windows platforms and I would like to know the
> advantages to have Firebird installed on a Linux machine and which
> Linux flavor is best for it (I haven't used Linux before). I hope you
> can share your experience.

Try latest version of 'Big 5' distros: RedHat (9), Mandrake (9.1),
Suse, Slackware (9) and Debian.
I've tried Mandrake 9.1 with very good results.
Don't know wich distro is 'best for it', seems that RH/suSe/Mdk are
extensively tested before release. I'm a MDK fan.
Also I've tried with very good results another flavor (E-smith Linux)
wich is a server-oriented distro (no X or compilers/gcc/make/etc.).
In this case either you install FirebirdSS 1.0.2 or for FirebirdCS 1.5
you have to install libraries from gcc 3.2.3 and then Firebird.
For a 'normal' distribution you don't have that kind of problems.

Tiberiu 'MDK 9.1 rulz' ATUDOREI