Subject RE: [ib-support] ibevents question
Author Dmitry Yemanov

> We are using Firebird 1.0 with IBX 6.03 and Delphi 6. I have a
> question regarding ibevents. I've read that there is a limit to 15
> ibevents being registered. Is this a limit of Firebird? Or IBX?
> If more than 15 ibevents are registered, what happens?

You can register no more than 15 events using one EPB (event parameter
buffer) block, i.e. with a single isc_que_events() API call. But can use as
many EPBs as you need, so there's no practical limit in Firebird. I don't
know for sure, but IBX should be able to handle it properly. If it's not,
then there's a problem in IBX.
