Subject Re[2]: [ib-support] How Do I count faster?
Author Daniel Rail

At May 26, 2003, 19:31, Roque wrote:

> :. What about creating a trigger on insert/delete operations to
> increment/decrement a number in another table? Is that too much expensive to
> the general performance?

It depends on how many concurrent updates to the table is done at a
time, and how many inserts/deletes are done in a transaction. You
might want to read the nature of the multi-generational architecture
before thinking of doing this. You can read the information on

Here's the link to the document in question:;IBPHOENIX.PAGES;NAME='ibp_bill_todd_mga'

The sections that you might want to read is Versioning and the
following sections. This document should give you a better idea on
how Firebird works in its record management.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (