Subject Re: Revoke
Author fabiano_bonin
--- In, "Michael Vilhelmsen"
<Michael.Vilhelmsen@M...> wrote:
> Hi
> Can I revoke on all tables at one time ?
> I know I can do this:
> Revoke all on MyTable from public
> But can I do something like
> Revoke all on "AllTables" from public

I think you can use this:

delete from rdb$user_privileges where rdb$user = 'PUBLIC' and
rdb$relation_name in ( select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations
where ( rdb$system_flag is null or rdb$system_flag <> 1 ) and
rdb$relations.rdb$view_blr is null )

This will revoke on tables (except system tables).

> Mihcael