Subject Re: [ib-support] ISC4 security MORE
Author Daniel Rail

At April 10, 2003, 11:05, rodbracher wrote:

> If I want to protect our data structures against a competing software
> company (who may have recently become good mates with our soon-not-to-
> be-clients) - they can simply replace the isc4 gdb ( as the
> administrator will let them ) and export all our data etc. etc.

Who entered the data, you or the client? If it's the client, the data
belongs to the client and has every right to export it to another
application, unless a contract has been signed between you and your
client stating otherwise. I have access to databases of our
competitors and can see their structures, but I don't steal those
structures, since I already have my own data structures for the same
type of data. I only view the structure to be able to transfer the
data from that database into our software's database, for a client who
requests it. Sometimes, I can't perform the task, because of our
competitor's proprietary database. I even had a competitor give me
the password to the database.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (