Subject Re: [ib-support] EOleSysError Error
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:15 AM 25/03/2003 -0300, you wrote:
>I have developed a firebird1.0 + delphi 7 application using IBX
>components. The application runs ok in win98, winNT and w2k. But, it raise
>EOleSysError uninstalled class
>in win95. Firebird starts ok using winsok2.
>Does anyone know where is the problem ? some mising dll ? some missing bpl
>for win95 ?

It is not a Firebird problem. Somewhere in your Delphi application you are
using an OLE automation class (an implementation of Windows
object-linking-and-embedding) which isn't supported by Win95.

This is not a Delphi list. You might get more info about your problem on
one of the borland.public.delphi newsgroups (news://
