Subject Re[2]: [ib-support] Delete where exists problem
Author Alexander Tabakov
Ok, it is quite simple

There are 2 tables:

tbl_service -> service_id, party_id, service_data
tbl_service_rel -> service_id, relation_id, relation_data

These are the real tables except that instead of "service_data" and
"relation_data" there are some fields that are of no interest in this
case i think

The statement is:

delete from tbl_service_rel
select * from tbl_service_rel rel join tbl_service svc on (rel.service_id = svc.service_id)
where svc.party_id = 10700013277)

The select is OK it returns just what I want to. There are several
rows for party_id - 10700013277 in tbl_service_rel

Best regards,
Alexander mailto:saho@...